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  • On-Demand Webinars

3 Steps to Simplify Your Capacity Planning

Does capacity planning seem like an endless, uphill battle in your organization? If so, you’re not alone.

Agencies and professional services firms of all types struggle to quickly and easily understand their team’s capacity at a glance.

Want to find a better way forward?  

Join us for a live webinar where you’ll learn:

  • How to get a simple view of who’s at capacity (& what they’re working on)

  • An easy-to-follow framework to plan capacity with your team

  • How to simplify your tech stack to plan, resource & execute client work

  • A system to see your team’s availability for taking on new client work

  • How to quickly re-prioritize projects to deliver client work on-time (& on budget)

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Logan Lyles

Evangelism & Content Marketing, Teamwork.com

Logan Lyles

Logan Lyles is the Evangelism & Content Marketing Manager at Teamwork.com, a project management platform built for scaling client work. Logan previously served in several leadership roles at Sweet Fish, a B2B podcast agency serving mid-market SaaS companies. Taking over sales from the agency founder in 2018, Logan helped triple the business in his first 6 months. He also played a key role in landing the agency on the Inc 5,000 List (twice), while helping the company both 10x headcount and increase ARR by 1,283%. Logan works from his home office (that’s slowly becoming a mini video studio) alongside his labradoodle, Mack, in Castle Rock, CO.

Hannah Taylor

Director of Digital Operations, Interactive Strategies

Hannah Taylor

Hannah Taylor is a seasoned professional with expertise in digital strategy and operations. With over a decade of experience spanning project management, digital strategy, marketing, and operations, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her current role as the Director of Digital Operations at Interactive Strategies. 

Throughout her career, Hannah has demonstrated a keen eye for process improvement, consistently identifying opportunities to enhance organizational efficiency and efficacy. Hannah excels in finding creative solutions to complex challenges, leveraging her strategic thinking and problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles. 

Outside of her professional pursuits, Hannah enjoys embarking on adventures with her family and finding opportunities to catch some live entertainment. 

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